Hydrotherapy for Dogs Near Me

At Davies Veterinary Specialists in Hertfordshire, we can help you and your pet by offering an amazing Hydrotherapy service with the help of our veterinarian specialists and our therapy and fitness facilities. We aim to offer a supportive approach and outstanding treatment from initial advice to final case resolution.

Discover more about our Hydrotherapy services.


What is Canine Hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy for dogs, or canine hydrotherapy, is a form of exercise with a non-weight bearing basis, helping with rehabilitation processes by using water properties to reduce pressure from their joints. Hydrotherapy can be done either inside a pool or with the use of an underwater treadmill, providing resistance and buoyancy, as well as dilating blood vessels and relaxing their muscles, easing the injuries and aches they may be suffering from.


What Are the Benefits of Hydrotherapy for Dogs?

Hydrotherapy may offer many benefits for dogs, and it may also prevent other medical conditions that may come together with ageing and other health conditions. Therefore, to help you to better understand its benefits, we pulled together a list with some of the most common ones. They include:

  • Reduce inflammation and injuries
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Reduce and may even remove pressure from joints
  • Improves motion
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Increase mental stimulation
  • Increase stamina and strength
  • Offer better cardiovascular fitness

The use of the underwater treadmill may also offer many other benefits and suit better the needs of each pet, such as allowing water level adjustment, controlled movements and altering speed, re-educating gait, and decreasing levels of anxiety by allowing them to reach the floor.


Hydrotherapy for Dogs Near You

If you would like to know more about our hydrotherapy for dogs in our veterinary hospital and therapy centre, you can check out our canine hydrotherapy factsheet or contact us for any questions you may have.

We are based in the countryside of Hertfordshire, and our premises are clean, hygienic, and we do our best to offer a peaceful stay for our patients. Davies Veterinary Specialists also offers a range of services to help out the pets under our care, with facilities that allow us to do everything needed in-house.

Contact us now for more information.

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Linnaeus Veterinary Limited trading as Davies Veterinary Specialists 01582 883950

©2025 Davies Veterinary Specialists