Davies Anaesthetist speaks at ESVN-ECVN Symposium

Davies Veterinary Specialists

Anaesthesia, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Professionals

28th September 2021

Acclaim for Louise Clark’s presentations at ESVN-ECVN Symposium

Louise Clark, Anaesthesia Specialist at Davies Veterinary Specialists (Davies), received glowing feedback for her presentation at the European College and the European Society of Veterinary Neurology, (ESVN-ECVN) Symposium earlier this month.

The Symposium’s main topic was ‘Pain’, coinciding with September being #animalpainawarenessmonth. The main scientific programme included human and veterinary keynote speakers to provide a comparative view and new insights. Louise presented two sessions: The ‘classic’ management of chronic pain in veterinary medicine and ‘Future perspectives in the management of chronic pain in veterinary medicine’ both of which were well-received by the audience, with feedback including:

  • Your talks have been SUPER brilliant and definitely one of the highlights of the entire congress!
  • Very well presented, clinically relevant and up to date published information combined with your vast experience and expertise. 

Louise Clark is an RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, is Past President of the Pain Medicine Section Council at the Royal Society of Medicine and has been an invited examiner on the European Diploma examination and a Treasurer of the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists.

Davies Head of Anaesthesia speaks at ECVN symposium

Louise was one of six keynote speakers at the two-day online Symposium, which also included a Residents’ Day on the topic of neuroanaesthesia, as well as 25 oral research presentations, 25 flash presentations, and 77 poster presentations.

Louise said: “It was an honour to be a keynote speaker at the 33rd ESVN-ECVN Symposium, alongside some esteemed colleagues. Despite the current COVID-19 situation causing the event to be held solely online, participant numbers were exceptionally high, and members of our enthusiastic community of Veterinary Neurologists have been very generous with their feedback, which is appreciated.”

Click here to find out more about the Anaesthesia service at Davies.

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