Antimicrobial Resistance

Davies Veterinary Specialists Antimicrobial Resistance

What is Antimicrobial Resistance?

Antimicrobials are substances which kill or stop the growth of microorganisms.

Examples of antimicrobials used in medicine include antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitics. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites resist the effects of medications, making common infections harder to treat and leading to the development of drug-resistant strains.

Why should we be concerned about Antimicrobial Resistance?

Antimicrobials, and particularly antibiotics, have had an incredibly positive impact on human healthcare, animal health and animal welfare; enabling clinicians to treat conditions successfully that were previously fatal.

The evolution of resistant microorganisms, coupled with the length of time it takes to develop new drugs, could lead to conditions that were previously curable no longer being treatable.

What can we do to help combat Antimicrobial Resistance?

There are steps we can take to preserve the efficacy of current antimicrobial drugs. These include responsible prescribing – only using antimicrobials when indicated rather than ‘just in case’ – and preventing infection through effective hygiene and keeping up to date with pet’s vaccinations.

Below you’ll find a selection of further information and resources on antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance to download and share.

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Linnaeus Veterinary Limited trading as Davies Veterinary Specialists 01582 883950

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